About me
Cara Molina began her journey in the education field in 2003 as a Classified staff member working in Food Services and then as an Instructional Aide. As a Classified staff member, wife, and mother of five children, she was empowered by her mentors, who were all educational leaders, and decided to pursue her dream going back to school as a first generation college graduate to become a teacher, assistant principal, principal, and now currently is the Executive Director of Health & Wellness Services in the Ontario-Montclair School District (OMSD) in Southern California, the third largest PK-8th grade district in California, which serves over 18,000 students in 33 schools. She co-leads district-wide implementation of the OMSD Multi-Tiered System of Support (MTSS) and leads district implementation of Positive Behavior Intervention and Supports (PBIS), Social-Emotional Learning (SEL), Restorative Practices, Trauma-Informed Practices, Medical Billing, Homelessness Services, Community Schools, Mental Health, Case Management, and School Health. With her department team, OMSD has been awarded several state and local grants to provide in-district behavioral health, clinical mental health, and clinical social work services. In 2024, she was recognized with the Association of California School Administrators (ACSA) Region 12 Central Office Administrator of the Year Award. She has presented at the ACSA Every Child Counts Conference, Association of Latino Administrators and Superintendents (ALAS) Conference, Southern Regional Student Wellness Conference, and other state and local conferences. She earned her Bachelor's, Master's, and Administrative Credential at the University of La Verne. From her experiences in overcoming barriers of poverty and trauma, she is a committed to opening pathways for students, families, and staff to realize dreams they may never thought possible, increasing inclusive practices, and is passionate in supporting current and future educational leaders in transformational and inclusive leadership practices for ongoing positive change supporting the whole-child.