Thursday February 27, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am PST
Your mental health is based on healthy relationships, both at work and at home. Good relationships are based on respect, positive intent, and good communication. What does your workforce look like? Do they all value the same things, have the same motivation and rewards? Different generations in the workforce have different attitudes, opinions and expectations. Learn what each generation values, how to enhance communication and what it takes to motivate your workforce and influence district culture.

This session looks at these relationships in the workforce. With 56% of the workforce now being comprised of younger/older millennials (those under age 40), it’s important to understand what their motivations are, how they communicate and how they build relationships.
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Kathy Espinoza

Owner, Kathy Espinoza Speaks
Kathy Espinoza has been public speaking since 1983. She is a board-certified professional ergonomist with an MBA and a master’s degree in work science/physiology.She has been providing keynote sessions at national, state, and local conferences since 1997. She also has post-graduate... Read More →
Thursday February 27, 2025 9:15am - 10:15am PST
Bunker Hill / Museum
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